{“@context”:”http:\/\/schema.org\/”,”@type”:”Recipe”,”name”:”Kryptonite”,”author”:{“@type”:”Person”,”name”:”jmtakashima”},”datePublished”:”2017-08-29 16:44:38″,”image”:”https:\/\/i0.wp.com\/midnightmixologist.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/08\/Kryptonite.jpg?fit=392%2C449&ssl=1″,”description”:”It’s mean and green and great for a themed party. Just watch the proof this one can sneak up on you!”,”recipeYield”:”1″,”recipeIngredient”:[“0.75 floz Captain Morgan \u00ae Original Spiced Rum”,”0.75 floz …
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The Harvey Wallbanger is reported to have been invented in 1952 by three-time world champion mixologist Donato ‘Duke’ Antone (Paolantonio). The Harvey Wallbanger was made popular by then Galliano salesman, George Bednard. Legend has it that the drink was named after a Manhattan Beach surfer who was a regular patron of Duke’s ‘Blackwatch’ Bar on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood during the early 1950s.
A twist on a Gin martini with just a touch of cherry brandy to balance out the dry vermouth this cocktail is a slightly sweeter version of the Gin Martini.
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Named after the rock band that never dies, the Grateful Dead will bring you quickly to that altered state of being that most Dead Heads aspire to. So fire up the “The Music Never Stopped” and bottoms up!
Kahula and Cream made over with milk and some sparkle with the added Coca-Cola. A light weight cocktail that was popular in the 80’s this a great cocktail for when you have a long night ahead of you.
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Another cream based shooter or sipper that is rich and somewhat deadly.
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Based on a James Bond book, the Casino Royal is a classic sounding and tasting cocktail with all the ingredients of a first rate cocktail.
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Great Dessert drink to serve with coffee!
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