Margaritas have come a long way from the classic Tequila, Triple Sec and lime juice. There are many variations as well as serving options. Frozen, Rocks, Up, Salted or not are all part of the large group of recipes. A basic search could return 100’s of recipes all slightly different. At the core though remains Tequila and lime. Adding any number of fruits, switching out the liquors and lead to an endless variety. Some of our favorites, the classic Agave Margarita, the fall taste of the Italian Margarita or the dramatic kick of the Top Shelf Margarita are very drinkable. All of these drinks will get you started exploring the wonderful world of Margaritas and Tequilas. The fewer ingredients and liquors the better the Tequila needs to be for the best taste. Invented in the 1940’s it has, in all its permutations, remained a popular drink since then.
A very different margarita, this cocktail is clean and fun with hints of citrus as opposed to the full on flavor of a regular margarita.
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It’s so hot, this is just the thing to cool you off pool side, dock side, roof side… well you get the point, it’s hot.
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This Margarita tastes as good as it looks and it looks unique and stunning!
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In its classic form—tequila, lime juice and Cointreau or Triple Sec, served in a glass with a salted rim—it is a perfect combination of sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Agave Margarita
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