
Recipes for a Bachelorette Party

Bitch Slap

Bitch Slap

Ice cream desserts watch out, the Bitch Slap is the perfect way to end a great dinner. Plus you gotta love the name.
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Between the Sheets

Between the Sheets

The Between the Sheets is a rum-laced riff on the Sidecar or Maiden’s Prayer, another classic christened at Harry’s Bar. As for the name itself, it likely refers to the drink’s potency and the potential for a risqué end to an evening spent sharing one too many.
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Arctic Kiss

Arctic Kiss

Two of my favorites Champagne and Vodka. Just a tip to make this the best tasting brunch drink, chill the Champagne in the freezer before mixing yourArctic Kiss while the chilling over ice works it introduces water into the drink through the shards of ice!
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100 Miles Per Hour

100 Miles Per Hour

This drink does take you into a wall at a rapid rate of speed if you drink too many of these! So try 100 Miles Per Hour and keep your eye on the speed.